The mandate of the Satrix Property ETF ("Satrix Prop") is to track, as closely as possible, the value of the S&P SA Composite Property Capped Index.
The S&P SA Composite Property Capped Index carves out the S&P South Africa Composite Property stocks to ensure that no single stock weighs more than 10%of the Index at each rebalancing. Satrix Prop is an index tracking fund, registered as a Collective Investment Scheme, and is also listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange as an Exchange Traded Fund.
Satrix Prop provides investors with the price performance of the S&P SA Composite Property Capped Index as well as, pays out, on a quarterly basis, all dividends received from companies comprising the index, net of cost.
In order to reduce costs and minimise tracking error, Satrix Prop may engage in scrip lending activities with SIM and Investec. Manufactured (taxable) dividends could arise from such transactions.